Kashif UR Rehman

Marketing Specialist

Area Focused


With over 5 years of experience in digital marketing, particularly in Dubai's vibrant real estate sector, I've had the privilege of collaborating closely with industry leaders to elevate their online presence. My expertise lies in harnessing the power of social media, SEO, ads, emails, direct messages, and crafting compelling content to captivate audiences effectively. Through my tenure with leading real estate firms, I've cultivated a profound understanding of market intricacies. This invaluable insight empowers me to craft tailored strategies that adeptly address the industry's unique challenges. I am genuinely thrilled at the prospect of applying my honed skills and expertise at First Point Real Estate. So proud to be part of First Point Real Estate, a company known for fostering a stellar team recognized for its dedication and depth of experience. I am eager to join and contribute to our collective success in navigating Dubai's competitive real estate landscape.


Nejat Yimam
Nejat Yimam


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